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January 04, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 1 of 2021!

Welcome back – below is the first Wind Study homework question of 2021!

One Energy’s wind turbines feature components (such as tower sections, blades, hub, generator, and nacelle) that must travel to our turbine yard located in Findlay, Ohio. In this week’s question, we need your help to determine how long it will take for certain components to arrive, as well as the average speed a component is traveling. 

Download this week’s Wind Study Homework Question (and check back Friday for the answer!) This question can also be found on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Interested in learning more about wind turbine components? Check out the image below, and visit page 4.1 Energy Terminology.

December 30, 2020 – Wind Views | Concrete Foundation

Wind turbine foundations are larger than you might think!

When a turbine is fully installed, the foundations are mostly hidden from view – however, they actually measure 59 feet in diameter and are excavated approximately 8 feet deep.

One Energy foundations require approximately 300 cubic yards of high-strength concrete and are completed monolithically, meaning the foundations are installed in two concrete pours. 

In the Wind Views photo below, a One Energy foundation pour is shown, with Construction Team Technicians working to place and consolidate concrete from the Telebelt throughout the form.

Why are wind turbines painted white*?

Why not purple, green, or black?

Well, white* is a neutral color, so on a cloudy day, the turbines blend in with the sky. This helps wind turbines fade into the horizon, maintaining scenic views as much as possible – though we think wind turbines are pretty cool to look at!

White* also stands out from above, making turbines easily visible for the pilots flying overhead who need to avoid them.

Finally, turbines are white* because it is a reflective color. The hue reflects the sun’s rays and helps keep the turbine cool, which in turn helps the turbine last longer (and keeps our technicians happy while working inside!).

*Another fun fact: not all turbines are white – including those installed by One Energy! The Federal Aviation Administration sets forth acceptable colors for wind turbines, ranging from pure white to light gray. One Energy’s turbines are the light gray shade (RAL 7035, to be exact!).

Think that’s pretty cool? Share it on Facebook, LinkedInInstagram, and Twitter!

Success is a dynamic concept. For many, it takes the form of the goals at specific moments in your life. When I was 5, for example, my measure of a successful person was if they were a “billion-quadrillionaire.” Assuming that’s in U.S. dollars, that benchmark is more money than currently exists in the world. Nice try, young Chelsea.

So how do you become successful?

Success is unique and personal. It is immeasurable at times and so clearly tangible at others. Perhaps your measure of success is being happy with your personal life or maybe it’s taking over the world. You define and evaluate your own success.

For those who don’t know me, I am a young executive at a complex and innovative business that is just over a decade old. Our company is built for the future yet exists in a world that is not always keen on change. I’ve spent my career climbing the ladder of a start-up that has grown immensely and faced incredible hurdles; in that time I’ve learned an unfathomable amount. I have come to the brink of my sanity more times than is reasonable, and it’s safe to say that my career often supersedes my life. This requires a lot of self-reflection.

For people like me, success is not straightforward. Life throws us curveballs and by rule of comparison, there is always someone hitting the ball better. In this time of a pandemic, a recession, and a record-breaking election, I’d like to share something that changed my life and shaped my definition of success.

Five years ago, I met a local executive who became someone I looked up to. This executive was nearing retirement, had a loving family, a successful career, and a team of people who adored and admired him. He also had a handwritten list of reminders in his desk to help him keep his head screwed on straight.

This executive passed away somewhat abruptly. A few months later, I received an email with an attachment. The document, titled “Life Lessons” stated the following:  

  1. Always maintain a good sense of humor.
  2. Exercise every day, even if you don’t feel like it.
  3. Don’t spend more money that you make.
  4. Love at first sight isn’t a fable.
  5. You must be able to forgive even if it is difficult to do so.
  6. Try to not take yourself so seriously.
  7. Love is not easy; sometimes you have to work at it.
  8. Use your common sense – it is usually the most reasonable answer to every situation.
  9. Life is a gift.
  10. Stay curious.
  11. Your family and friends are the most precious thing you will ever have in life.
  12. Focus brings focus.
  13. Prepare relentlessly.
  14. Stand up to bullies.
  15. An unexamined life is not one worth living.
  16. Hanging onto the past limits your future.

I pass along this list to every new employee I work with. I share it to remember his legacy, but also to let my team members know that I want them to choose their own path. While success is personal, I want to share in (and contribute towards) their achievements.

Since reading and absorbing my mentor’s list, I have created my own. I read it daily, so I can remember what matters most to me. It helps me prioritize and reminds me that my definition of success involves staying true to who I am.  

So how does one become successful? There is no single answer. But every day is an opportunity to live your life (and define success) by your own standards. Become the best version of yourself, and you might as well have a billion-quadrillion dollars.

Chelsea Bumb is the Head of Construction at One Energy.

Learn more about Chelsea and the One Energy team.

At One Energy, we love a turbine “glamour shot”!

This week’s Wind View features a utility-scale wind turbine, part of a Wind for Industry project located in Findlay, Ohio.

This photo was taken shortly after construction was completed. The project directly powers a local manufacturing facility.

Bonus: can you spot the people on the ground? (Hint: they’re wearing high visibility safety vests – which makes them easier to see.)

Company loyalty is not a completely antiquated concept. In today’s world, with it becoming increasingly common for young professionals to change jobs frequently, company loyalty might seem like yesterday’s news. Sure, companies put significant emphasis on employee retention, but retention and loyalty are not the same thing, especially in a growing business. You can retain employees by putting in a moderate effort to keep them happy, but that should be the baseline standard, not the main objective. A company’s objective should be to create an environment where employees are inspired to work harder, to feel invested in the common goal, and to strive for the success of the group as well as their own. Company loyalty can still thrive – but only if conscious decisions are made to get there.

To foster team loyalty, a company must go the extra mile. It is exceedingly rare to gain a loyal team with nothing more than a rally cry – believing in the business plan can only go so far. Loyalty needs to be a two-way street. Businesses must take actions, both large and small, to prove to their employees that they are valued, that their work is important, and that they are an essential part of the company. When an employee feels loyalty from their employer, it’s easier for that employee to return it tenfold. If you expect your employees to go out of their way for the company, you must go out of your way for them.

As an executive at an industrial power company and a military spouse, I’ve realized over the years that businesses can learn an important lesson in generating loyalty from the Unites States Armed Forces. A military life is not an easy one. So much is demanded of our service members and their families. Yet for the last 4 years, the Army has had a reenlistment rate of more than 80% – well past its goal. If there is one group of people that knows a thing or two about the benefits of a unified and devoted front, it’s them. 

There are many reasons for the loyalty seen within our military (the largest of course is fighting for a just cause). But one answer I’ve found applicable to the business world is the military’s celebration of wins. In recent years, I have attended numerous elaborate graduation and promotion ceremonies. The time and effort put forth celebrating accomplishments I found peculiar and quite possibly overkill when I first entered the military world. Now, I view them as absolutely necessary to the mission. The pomp and circumstance directly correlate to troop morale, and thus loyalty. 

So how can this be adapted for the business world? Should we host galas when an employee is promoted from Field Engineer I to Field Engineer II? Probably not. (After all, the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform are far greater than anything seen in the business world.) But we should take steps to acknowledge the accomplishments of our employees whenever we can. 

Whether it’s thoughtful handwritten cards, attending weddings, recognizing promotions, or creating a lighthearted point system to acknowledge daily accomplishments, we must do more if we expect more. We need to treat celebration with the seriousness that we treat deadlines and profit margins. Prioritizing celebrations and rebuking the “nickel and dime” mentality are a couple small actions that One Energy has taken down this path. Loyalty is earned. It can’t be taught or simply expected from any team. If we hope to grow an inspired team, we as executives must create a little more pomp and circumstance within our ranks.

 Jessica Grosso is the Head of Project Planning and Technology at One Energy.

Learn more about Jessica and the One Energy team.

When temperatures drop, One Energy takes steps to ensure our heavy equipment and fleet of service vehicles are ready for winter.

In this Technician Talk, we check in with One Energy Mechanic Brad Crace. Brad shares a variety of advice for winterizing equipment, walking viewers through steps and tools that come in handy when prepping for cold weather.

To catch future Technician Talks, subscribe to our You Tube channel! 

December 21, 2020 – Science Shorts | What is Gravity?

Why do objects fall? What keeps our feet planted on the ground? Well, it’s much more complicated than it seems!

This episode of Science Shorts explores the world of gravity. Join us as we explain the findings of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein; we’ll also learn how the attraction known as gravity acts upon a variety of objects.

How does gravity impact the ocean’s tides? Why does Earth orbit the sun? Watch this episode to find out.

View the video below, or watch and subscribe via our YouTube channel. And be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Instagram!

December 18, 2020 – Climb to the Top | Doug Corwin

After a long career of fighting fires, Doug Corwin joined One Energy to help harness the power of wind.

In today’s edition of Climb to the Top, find out how Doug went from being a firefighter, paramedic, and EMT instructor to One Energy’s Training & Facilities Manager. One Energy is committed to safety, quality, and continued learning – which means Doug has a lot on his plate!

Watch the video below to learn about Doug’s professional journey and why he credits his work ethic for his successful Climb to the Top.

Climb to the Top videos can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more One Energy content.

December 18, 2020 – Wind Study | Answer 6

It’s the end of the week and we’ve posted the latest Wind Study homework answers below – TGIF!

This week’s question (posted on Monday) asked how many turbines One Energy could install for a specific customer, based on siting parameters. We also wanted to know how much of the facility’s power would come from wind energy. (Download the questions here.)

See how you did and check your work – download this week’s Wind Study answers.

Note: we’re taking a short break on Wind Study content for the holidays – but we’ll be back with a whole new year of STEM-themed homework questions starting January 4. See you then! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to never miss a post!