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January 27, 2021 – Wind Views | MET Pole

Check out our meteorological bells and whistles! Or should we say cups and sensors? Today’s edition of Wind Views shows off our various wind instrumentation!

On last week’s episode of Science Shorts (watch the video here!), you learned about the different ways One Energy collects weather and climate data. One structure Ben explained was our meteorological tower (or MET Pole), and the various instrumentation it contains.

These photos show different perspectives of the MET Pole located at the North Findlay Wind Campus: in construction, completed, and close-up.

In the first photo, zoom in to see a technician installing the instrumentation at the top of the MET Pole, which is 30 meters high. The second photo shows what the completed pole looks like when viewed from the ground. The final close-up view was taken using a drone, to highlight the cup and sonic anemometers, which collect wind speed and direction data.

Stay tuned for upcoming Science Shorts, where we’ll be taking a deep dive into this instrumentation and more! (To make sure you don’t miss this upcoming feature, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!)

In an interview with CleanTechnica‘s Tina Casey, One Energy CEO Jereme Kent discusses the obstacles facing distributed wind (especially in Ohio) and how One Energy is able to “keep the turbines coming.”

January 25, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 4

For this week’s Wind Study, we’re asking you to take the next step in determining a Wind for Industry project’s estimated energy production!

Earlier this month, you calculated the Net AEP (Annual Energy Production) by considering a project’s wake loss. Now, help us account for other potential losses and uncertainties, like downtime due to maintenance or grid issues. You’ll use P-Values and scale factors to solve these problems.

Download the homework questions here, and be sure to check back Friday for the answers! 

You can also find this educational series on Facebook and Twitter.

January 22, 2021 – Wind Study | Answer 3

On Monday, we asked you to apply what you learned from a previous episode of our Science Shorts to one of our Wind for Industry projects in order to answer this week’s Wind Study question.

Today, let’s find out if you were able to calculate the energy (the ability to do work) and power (the rate at which work is done) produced by our project!

Then download the answers to this week’s Wind Study homework questions here

And remember, our Wind Study homework series can also be found on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.


How’s the weather up there? At One Energy, this is more than just a figure of speech. We need to monitor the weather and understand climatic conditions in order to safely and effectively site and operate wind turbines. Find out why in this episode of Science Shorts!

This episode, Project Engineer Ben introduces us to Glinda, the One Energy weather station located at the North Findlay Wind Campus!

Find out how we use Glinda to measure things like wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, and icing conditions.

Ben will also explain One Energy’s on-site MET Pole (or meteorological tower) and its additional methods of measuring wind speed and wind direction.

Finally, learn how all this data is collected and processed using One Energy’s data logger. Ben describes how and why One Energy uses this data when planning, developing, and operating our Wind for Industry projects.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don’t miss any future Science Shorts!

And be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Instagram!

This episode really puts the “talk” in Technician Talk!

Constructing wind energy projects requires precise coordination among many moving parts. How does One Energy do it? Do we memorize the exact timing of each step and hope everything goes smoothly? Do we yell down from the top of a 250-foot turbine tower to direct crane operators? Does one person do it all alone so there is no miscommunication?

Of course not! One Energy technicians must communicate effectively and efficiently during construction. That’s why our radio communication technology must be top notch – and each member must know how to use it properly and safely.

Join Fleet Field Manager Lukas as he walks us through One Energy’s radio model, its functions, how it’s used in the field, and the safety element of using radios while building projects. Plus – listen in on some excellent voice acting from our OE staff as they simulate communication scenarios (both proper and poor!) during a rotor fly.

Technician Talks can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter – and be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel for more One Energy content!

I am a lawyer, but as in-house counsel for an energy company and an executive I also hire a lot of lawyers. Many people don’t understand why I do this. They figure one lawyer can handle most things. And when they ask me why I hire so many lawyers, I give them a simple analogy that drives the point home:

If you have cancer, you don’t see a cardiologist or your family doctor. You see the best oncologist you can.

The same concept applies to lawyers. Lawyers specialize. And you need the absolute best of the best to guide your thinking or you are in big trouble.

Why is that? Because a lot is on the line. Companies, like individuals, hire lawyers to do two things: 1) to get them out of big trouble and 2) to prevent them from getting into big trouble in the first place. People hire lawyers to help them on the worst day of their life, and to prevent them from having the worst day of their life.

And yet, while lawyers are responsible for so much, I often find that the lawyers I talk to are inhibited by what most lawyers hate most about the profession: the billable hour.

I probably don’t have to say this, but lawyers are expensive. Most of the lawyers I hire are between $300 and $1,200 an hour.

Yes, $1,200 an hour.

These lawyers typically bill in 6-minute increments. And because they are so expensive, there is a pressure from clients for them to do things as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For some of the more straightforward issues that lawyers deal with daily, this system works. They don’t need a lot of time to process what is in front of them and can skip straight to the work.

But for big, complicated, legal questions and problems that have never been solved, it takes time. Time to gather information from the client. Time to think about it. Time to reflect. Time to apply all of your expertise, as well as the expertise of others. Time to strategize on the best way forward.

For solving the unknown problem, efficiency doesn’t cut it – because constantly striving for efficiency encourages you to give less time to the problem than it may deserve.

So, what is my lesson for the lawyers? Be flexible. Consider setting up monthly retainers where you bill a flat amount every month. Consider contingency fees. Consider setting up your firm so it encourages partners to collaborate with each other as experts and not hog their clients to themselves.

So lawyers, as an in-house counsel and executive, I can say honestly that I don’t need your time. I need your intelligence, your expertise, and your creativity. I need you to help me on the worst day of my company’s life and to prevent that worst day from happening in the first place. I need you to see the problem I don’t see. And I really don’t care what billing mechanism you use. Set up your business and your arrangements with your clients in a way that allows you to solve the unknown problem, and you will be invaluable.

Katie Treadway is the Head of Regulatory Affairs at One Energy.

Learn more about Katie and the One Energy team.

This aerial photo shows various wind turbine components at a Wind for Industry construction site.

Counter-clockwise from left are three blades, four tower sections, a permanent magnet direct drive generator, a palletized tool kit used by our Construction Team, the circular turbine foundation pedestal (the brown circle is the anchor bolts that attach to the base tower section), a green step-up transformer, and a blue junction box. All of these parts play an important role in the finished product, which now powers a nearby manufacturing facility.

Check out the three blades – they’re shipped and stored in metal stands, which hold the blades off the ground and protect them prior to installation.

Fun fact: while each blade weighs more than 18,000 pounds, the individual blade weights can vary from set to set. That said, the weight of blades within a set are consistent – that is, the three blades used on any given turbine (like the ones below) will have weights that are extremely similar.

(Never miss a WindView – follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!)

January 18, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 3

In a previous episode of our Science Shorts, we learned about the difference between “energy” and “power.”

In today’s Wind Study, we’ll be applying the concepts of energy (the ability to do work) and power (the rate at which work is done) to One Energy’s Wind for Industry projects. Take a moment to review the concepts of energy and power by watching our short video here. Then download this week’s Wind Study Homework Questions – we’ll post the answers Friday. 

And remember, our Wind Study homework questions can also be found on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

January 15, 2021 – Climb to the Top | Kerry Gaines

At One Energy, there is no singular path to success. In fact, we believe that our team members’ varied backgrounds and skillsets is a tremendous source of strength.

In this edition of Climb to the Top, join One Energy Technician Kerry Gaines as she describes her professional journey from tending bar to terminating electrical cables. Learn about the role of wind energy technician, as well as some of the electrical work that Kerry executes during the construction of a Wind for Industry project.

Climb to the Top videos can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more One Energy content.