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May 17, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 20

Designing a Wind for Industry project requires assessing the wind resource at the project location. This tells us the wind speed and direction in that area, which allows us to calculate how much energy the project can generate.

Use the equations provided in 🔗 today’s Wind Study homework questions to calculate anemometer rotation time and wind speed. Then come back to check your work on Friday!

⚠️ ALERT! 🌮 Tacos are in your forecast.

Well – at least tacos will be on your screen when you watch today’s episode of Science Shorts!

This week, Jessica, one of One Energy’s atmospheric scientists, uses tacos (yes, tacos!) to explain the difference between a severe weather WATCH and a severe weather WARNING, when issued by the U.S. National Weather Service.

Learn what each alert means, and what you should do when either is issued in your area. And remember: when thunder roars, go indoors!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss any future Science Shorts!

May 14, 2021 – Wind Study | Answer 19

Howdy, YAW! Did you figure out the effect a turbine’s yaw has on its energy output?

Remember: as we learned on Monday, a turbine’s yaw is an axis of rotation that changes the direction the turbine is facing. In this week’s homework questions, we asked you to calculate a few different math problems regarding yaw and wind energy.

Download the homework questions here and see if you got them right by downloading the answers here!

You can also find and share this assignment on Facebook and Twitter!

Cranes are used for various Wind for Industry® project construction activities – like building wind turbine towers, loading and offloading trucks, and even building and dismantling other cranes. 

Whatever it is, our cranes are often handling VERY heavy loads, and clear communication is key for safety during any crane activity. One method our construction team uses to communicate with the crane operator is through hand signals.

Watch today’s episode of Technician Talk to learn the universal basic crane hand signals – and practice along with technicians Kerry and Gerbs!

The signals you’ll learn are:

  • Cable up
  • Cable down
  • Boom up
  • Boom down
  • Boom up hold load
  • Boom down hold load
  • Very slowly
  • Swing right
  • Swing left
  • Track forward
  • Track backwards
  • All stop
  • Dog off

Technician Talks can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter feeds– and be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel for more One Energy content!

As a female executive, I need to say it. I have a bone to pick with how corporate America pays and promotes women in the United States. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Most of us have seen the depressing stats about how women are paid in the United States and the (lack of) leadership positions they hold. But, just as a refresher, I decided to look up some of those stats again.

  • March 24, 2021, was Equal Pay Day in the United States. That means that for an average woman in America to have made what my male counterparts made in 2020, I needed to work until March 24, 2021.
  • The female to male earnings ratio in 2019 (the most recent year for which we have those statistics) was 82.3%. (I must admit I was even more depressed with myself when I realized I was somewhat pleasantly surprised by this number).
  • During the first quarter of 2021, 41 Fortune 500 companies were led by women. That’s just 8.2%, but an improvement from 2019 when there were 33 and 2018 when there were 24.

It’s important to note that these statistics are even more abysmal for women of color.

Corporate America: we need to do much, much, much better. But I guess the better question is, who within corporate America needs to do better?

One theory about who needs to do better – one that I have heard too many times to count – is that the women need to do better. I cannot tell you the number of times I have had conversations with men or women about pay parity and the other person tells me, “women just need to negotiate better, Katie. That pay gap wouldn’t exist if women negotiated for their salary more effectively.”

There are a lot of problems with telling women they need to “negotiate better” to solve this problem. To start, it is victim shaming, offensive, and insulting. It points the finger in the entirely wrong direction. A negotiation for a salary is one where the employer has far more data than the prospect. How many places have you worked where you knew what all your counterparts made? How are you supposed to negotiate for equal pay when you don’t know you aren’t being paid equally? If I, as a woman, have always been paid less than my male counterparts, how would I even know that? And at my next job, even though I make more and am doing better than I was, how do I know if I am still making less than my male counterparts?

Another theory is that corporate America is to blame. And that means all of us. All of us who are executives, managers, and hirers are the problem. But if we are the problem, we are also the solution. So we all need to step up. I would suggest by starting with the following:

  • Review your salaries now. Ensure you are paying women what you are paying men in the same or similar roles.
  • Review your executive team, your board, and those holding management positions. Are they held equally by men and women? If not, ask yourself why that is the case. Don’t let “there are no good women out there” be your excuse. You don’t break glass ceilings and tear down this divide unless you give women a chance and are the ones to elevate them. Think outside of the box. Have you worked with a brilliant female engineer, scientist, lawyer, accountant, etc. in your area of business? I bet she would be a great addition to your leadership team. Be the one to elevate her.
  • Look at your parental leave and family leave policies. Are you treating men and women equally? If you aren’t, think about the message you are sending about your expectations of employees. And if you don’t have a parental leave policy or family leave policy, think about the message that sends to women with families about how serious you are about enabling them to enter and stay in the workforce.
  • Don’t stop there. Make a commitment to make your company the solution, which we have done at One Energy and will continue to do.

But what not to do? Don’t tell me, or any woman, to simply “negotiate better.” This is a cop-out. And it will get us no further along in fixing the abysmal statistics I outlined above. It will not get us to a place where women and men are valued and rewarded equally for their work in this country. Women don’t need to negotiate better. Corporate America needs to do better.

Katie Treadway is the Head of Regulatory Affairs at One Energy.

Learn more about Katie and the One Energy team.

Today’s Wind View is brought to you by one of our technicians, Justin!

He snapped this photo from his cell phone while he was working on a wind turbine at the project located down the street from the One Energy headquarters. This picture shows seven of the eight turbines at the North Findlay Wind Campus – which power local manufacturing plants in Findlay, Ohio.

Justin is a great technician and all, but we’re wondering if a career move to photography may be in order! 


May 10, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 19

Wind Study | Yaw and Energy Efficiency

Ever wonder how wind turbines keep up with changing wind flows?

Our wind turbines rotate, or “yaw,” to face directly into the wind and capture it more effectively. A turbine’s yaw is an axis of rotation that changes the direction the turbine is facing.

This week’s homework asks you to calculate how much energy a yaw consumes, the energy output of the turbine after the yaw, how much energy the turbine would have produced if it didn’t yaw, and the difference between the two scenarios.   

🔗 Download the questions here

And YAW better come back on Friday to check the answer! Ya hear?

You can also find and share this assignment on Facebook and Twitter!

May 07, 2021 – Wind Study | Answer 18

Wind Study | Potential Energy and Gravity

Were you able to figure out what wind turbines have to do with gravitational potential energy? It may surprise you to find that there was more than one way to arrive at the correct answers for this week’s Wind Study.

Monday’s Wind Study homework questions asked you to calculate the gravitational potential energy of a wind turbine technician, as well as the turbine tower itself!

🔗 Download the answers here and come back Monday for the next math and science problem!

You can also find and share this assignment on Facebook and Twitter!

S&P’s Energy Markets Specialist, Janet McGurty, details Marathon’s Q1 earnings call. In the article, Janet highlights Marathon’s announcement to once again partner with One Energy for a Wind for Industry project at its Dickinson, ND facility, as it aims to “balance its traditional oil refining business as it moves forward to increase its renewable fuel operations in order to lower its carbon footprint.” 

This week’s Wind View features a photo taken from high above the North Findlay Wind Campus (NFWC).

Captured via drone, four of the now eight turbines located at the NFWC (as well as two turbines in the distance, part of a neighboring Wind for Industry project) can be seen. These wind turbines directly power nearby factories, decarbonizing operations and providing 20 years of electricity rate control.

This photo also provides an aerial view of One Energy’s component yard, stocked with wind turbine blades and a variety of components such as generators and nacelles.