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One Energy team members have been busy celebrating another successful year for our Megawatt Scholarship Program. Thanks to Darke County Now for catching us at Whirlpool Greenville last week and covering the event!

Community partnership is one of our favorite things about building One Energy’s Wind for Industry projects. We are thrilled to join family and friends in honoring this year’s recipients, and we can’t wait to see where life takes these young people. Perhaps, we will see some of them in the future as part of our college internship program.

You can read more about our Megawatt Scholarship Program and the Whirlpool Greenville recipients here. 

Here at One Energy, safety and quality are always first, and training is at the heart of our safety culture.

Today’s Wind View gives you a glimpse into our tower rescue training program. A One Energy construction team member repels down the side of the training tower, while other team members support from the air and the ground.

Did you know that our training programs are not just for us either? ⛑️ The One Energy team has helped author wind turbine tower rescue programs and has trained contractors, technicians, and fire departments around the country in wind turbine tower rescue.

June 01, 2022 – Wind Views | Looking Down

Today’s Wind View looks down the crane boom at One Energy construction team members sitting on the nacelle, where they will wait to receive the rotor: hub + 3 blades.

The process of installing the rotor is called a “rotor fly.” Once the rotor is upright, the larger red crane will then hoist it to the top of the turbine, where it is connected to the generator. It requires two cranes 🏗️ 🏗️ and our talented construction team 👷 👷‍♀️ to get the rotor in position!

The Courier reported on the recent Megawatt Scholarship ceremony hosted by One Energy and Valgroup. Check out the feature here

May 25, 2022 – Wind Views | Summer Wind

“The summer wind came blowin’ in, from across the sea” 🎵🎵🎵

Today’s edition of Wind Views features a summery 🌞 reflecting pond at One Energy’s headquarters where five of the North Findlay Wind Campus turbines can be seen facing southwest, overlooking the Ball Corporation.

Did you know the size of a turbine determines its capacity for generating energy? Each one shown above is rated for 1.5 megawatts. That’s enough energy to power up to 400 homes! 🏘️

May 20, 2022 – Wind Study | Answer 7

💭How imaginative were you with this week’s Wind Study?

 On Monday, we asked you to solve equations using imaginary numbers. 🔢 Now it’s time to check your answers!

This wraps up our Wind Studies for the school year, as we start summer break around here. Enjoy the hiatus and look for new Wind Studies this fall!

Download today’s answers here, and be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

Here at One Energy, we challenge everything, which means we regularly test everything. In today’s episode, Juan explains how we maintain and prolong the life of our transformers through oil testing.  

The transformers One Energy uses come in two types: dry and liquid-filled. Liquid-filled transformers use FR3 (non-toxic, recyclable, non-petroleum) fluid to insulate, repress arc, and act as a coolant to keep them sending voltage up or down efficiently. One Energy employs a Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) to proactively check the health and functionality of each transformer through independent testing.

Check out today’s Technician Talk to hear Juan describe the DGA technique and explain how One Energy uses it to extend a transformer’s use-life.

Technician Talks can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter feeds– and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more One Energy content!

In the past few weeks, you’ve seen us pour foundations, stack towers, and set a nacelle for our Wind for Industry® projects. In this week’s Wind View, we are showing part of the generator installation.

Our turbine generators weigh a ton, approximately 50. We use special rigging seen here, so that we can pivot the heavy generator in midair to line it up with the nacelle. This rigging allows One Energy’s construction team to easily unhook the crane from the generator once the installation is complete.  


May 16, 2022 – Wind Study | Question 7

Get ready to use a little imagination! In this week’s Wind Study, we’re learning how helpful imaginary numbers can be when we use them to solve equations. One Energy engineers consider imaginary numbers all the time in their power engineering work, now you can join them!

See if you’ve got what it takes to solve this week’s problems, and come back Friday, when we’ll post the answers (and how we solved for them)!

In the meantime, be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

It feels like spring! 🌤️ And here at One Energy, we’re ready for it.

In this week’s Wind View, you can see where we store our turbine blades at the laydown yard of the One Energy North Findlay Wind Campus.

Turbine blades are one of the most recognizable parts of our wind turbines. Blade size and shape can vary across turbines, with each of ours measuring ~140 feet in length. Eventually, we will transport them to their project site by specialized trucks 🚛. 

Until they’re ready to be shipped off to the next job site, they’ll remain in our laydown yard as a useful hands-on teaching tool for our educational tours 📚 to local students and community members.