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One Energy CEO Jereme Kent spoke with host Sam Easterby about Wind for Industry, and how One Energy is challenging the status quo by offering on-site wind generation for industrial customers.

Due in large part to their Wind for Industry projects, One Energy customer Whirlpool Corporation is one of the largest Fortune 500 consumers of on-site wind energy in the United States.

Each year, Whirlpool Corporation highlights their One Energy wind turbines in their annual Sustainability Report.

See pages 33 and 34 of the 2019 report for the most recent summary of our combined impact. (The images on pages 7 and 12 also highlight some of Whirlpool’s Wind for Industry projects.)

View the report here.

“When it comes to wind power, there’s no such thing as hot air.” LafargeHolcim’s plant in Paulding, Ohio is harnessing the wind for its power, and eliminating the equivalent of 9,000 tons of CO2 each year.

One Energy CEO Jereme Kent explained to CleanTechnica’s Tina Casey how distributed wind energy gives commercial and industrial facilities flexibility – and more importantly – control.

One Energy was highlighted in the U.S. DOE’s annual report on distributed wind energy.

The Distributed Wind Market Report exists to provide “stakeholders with market statistics and analyses, along with insights into its trends and characteristics.” The report is part of the DOE’s Wind Energy Technologies Office distributed wind portfolio. “The objective of the portfolio work is to enable wind technologies as distributed energy resources to contribute maximum economic and system benefit to energy systems now and in the future.”

One Energy is discussed on pages 5-8 of the report, which highlight our unique large-scale wind turbines and vertically integrated business model.

(Our Wind for Industry project for Ball Corp. is also featured on the report’s cover.)

View the report here.

As of August 2019, One Energy had funded a total of $210,000 for local high school graduates pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). In this article, North American Clean Energy told our scholarship story and used it to illustrate the growing number of jobs in the renewable energy sector.

Coverage of our Total Addressable Market (TAM) Report, which notes that even with an Investment Tax Credit (ITC) of 0%, nearly 30% of all U.S. counties have manufacturing facilities that can benefit from Wind for Industry. (Please note that this article is published behind SmartGrid Today‘s paywall.)

In this rant – er, op-ed – One Energy CEO Jereme Kent wrote about his frustrations with and advice for the United States wind energy industry. To Kent, utilities are like entitled frat boys who have never been told “no.”

The total addressable market for Wind for Industry is huge. AltEnergyMag asked One Energy CEO Jereme Kent about our TAM report and how One Energy plans to meet this market potential.

This article cited Wind for Industry’s Total Addressable Market (TAM) Report and quoted One Energy CEO Jereme Kent to illustrate the immense potential on-site wind has for manufacturing across the United States.