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September 07, 2021 – Wind Study | Answer 22

Did last week’s Wind Study questions float your boat? 🚢

Download the homework answers and see if you solved the problems related to cargo ships and buoyant forces.

And stay tuned for next week’s science and math assignment!

Source: https://theconversation.com/suez‐canal‐blockage‐how‐cargo‐ships‐like‐ever‐given‐became‐so‐huge‐and‐whytheyre‐

September 03, 2021 – Science Shorts | Static Electricity

Quick! Name the last time you spent a whole day without using electricity.

Tricky, right? Electricity is all around us – and it powers many everyday items all over the world! 💡

Previously we’ve covered current electricity, explaining AC and DC power. But today’s episode of Science Shorts is about another type: static electricity! ⚡

We’ll explore the meaning of static electricity, explain how it works, and demonstrate it with a hair-raising balloon experiment! 🎈  

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don’t miss any future Science Shorts!

And be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Instagram!

Why is it so hard to ask for help? And even when help is offered unsolicited, why is it often so hard to accept?

I worked for years as a consultant, and I often wondered why companies waited until things were such a mess before calling in outside help. Much like an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, bringing in assistance to prevent problems or to clean up small issues can take a whole lot less time and money than unsuccessfully trying to do it yourself.

In spite of the infinite number of times I’ve heard, “Why didn’t you ask for help?” I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone ask, “Why did you ask for help?” Perhaps there aren’t many regrets from those who do request assistance.

Some people consider asking for help to be an admission of weakness, yet we live in a world where knowledge is increasing exponentially and people in all professions must become increasingly specialized in increasingly narrow fields. It is simply not possible to know “everything” – so why are some people so reluctant to ask for help, particularly when it comes to specialized skills and topics? The rapid pace of change in our world is so intense, it has even given rise to one of those super-specialized fields called, ironically, “change management.” Just a few decades ago, who would have thought people would specialize in managing change? Today, change management is a common topic of discussion on almost a daily basis!

I don’t think I have ever met anyone who has said that implementing change is easy. Whether you have an organization of ten or ten thousand, change is hard. Careful cultivation of consensus is an art form in and of itself. Even when all the stars align, when you have “the right people on the bus,” and everyone agrees on where the bus is going, change is invariably met with at least some inevitable resistance. Talented moderators and facilitators have spent decades learning and cultivating skills to bring organizations to at least some level of consensus and to help them navigate challenging times. They have become those narrowly specialized professionals.

In spite of the universally known challenge of change, I recently heard an entrepreneurial CEO say “Dictatorships don’t need facilitators.” That comment has really stuck with me. On the one hand, it’s a truism: if you are simply going to dictate all the rules, what’s the point in having anyone help you? If you “lead” a group of subservient, unempowered, or spellbound followers, does it matter how you deliver the message – or what the message even is?  Isn’t it as simple as dictating the change? Won’t everyone just immediately embrace the modifications?

On the other hand, every fiber of my being tells me this is a falsehood – at best! Living in 21st-century America, struggling with the challenges of post-pandemic employee hiring and retention, can any entrepreneur afford to be a dictator? Even a very charismatic, brilliant, well-meaning dictator could probably benefit from the guidance of a professional outside moderator or facilitator, if only to help lull unsuspecting subjects into thinking they don’t work for a dictator!

Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish from your leadership position within your organization, I can most certainly guarantee that you are too close to be objective. In all but the rarest of circumstances, there is history between you and your organization that gets in the way of implementing change in the most effective and efficient way. Facilitation is unarguably a good thing – for companies and for individuals (even if they consider themselves dictators). Outside help can lessen time constraints and bring top-notch professional expertise and unbiased advice to the table, more effectively convincing naysayers. To be perfectly candid, if you think you can accomplish what an outsider with decades of specialized training and experience can, I would tell you that, based on my decades in the business world, you are wrong.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for leaders with enough self-awareness and the rare combination of humility and confidence to recognize when someone else can do the job better, faster, more efficiently – and are willing to ask for help. My own attempts to be that kind of leader have given me the opportunity to work with some incredibly talented consultants and facilitators over the course of my career, and I can’t begin to describe how much I’ve learned from them.

I don’t have the answer to why it can be difficult to ask for help, and I don’t think the reason is universal Personally, asking for assistance has become easier for me with each passing year, so perhaps age or experience is the key. But I would encourage other professionals to start early! Ask for help sooner and more often than you think you should. The value you will gain from the people you meet will accelerate your learning curve and make you a more effective leader earlier in your career. Also, no one will ask, “Why didn’t you ask for help?”

Dedicated to all the amazing moderators I’ve known over the years, but especially to Mo Fathelbab, one of the most talented facilitators with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working, starting at a pretty young age.

Anne Bain is the Head of Accounting at One Energy.

Learn more about Anne and the One Energy team.

Each year, One Energy welcomes a group of summer interns to the North Findlay Wind Campus.

OE interns rotate through every department at the company, learning from different team members, gaining an understanding of the entire enterprise, and completing a final intern project, which they present to the entire company.

As the fall semester starts, we’re bidding adieu to our five summer interns. Thank you to the 2021 One Energy interns, and best of luck this fall!

CBS affiliate KX News reports on Marathon Petroleum Corporation’s Renewable Fuels Facility in Dickinson, North Dakota, and the company’s plans to install a Wind for Industry project to help power operations. Individuals from Marathon, One Energy, and the North Dakota Farmers Union were each interviewed for the piece.

August 30, 2021 – Wind Study | Question 22

School is BACK in session – and so is Wind Study!

That’s right – get ready for more weekly science assignments from One Energy’s own engineers, meteorologists, and project planning team.

This week’s topic is buoyancy. Can you solve these problems related to cargo ships and buoyant forces? Find out by downloading the questions here.

Then come back in one week; we’ll post the homework answers next Monday!

Source: https://www.mech4study.com/2019/05/what-is-buoyancy-full-explaination.html

As the summer comes to a close, we wish students and teachers a great start back to school!

Graduating seniors in the class of 2022: be sure to bookmark www.megawattscholarships.org and apply for one of our $5,000 Megawatt Scholarships when applications open in the fall. Your name could be displayed on a turbine, like the one pictured in today’s Wind View!

At One Energy, we take great pride in our projects. That’s we built our headquarters next to the wind turbines at the North Findlay Wind Campus! The nine wind turbines pictured here directly power our customers’ industrial manufacturing facilities. With our headquarters being so close to projects, we can admire the results of our hard work every day!

This is Wind for Industry – and this is industrial decarbonization.

Many Wind for Industry customers operate industrial facilities that manufacture common, everyday items. In fact, you might find some in your own home!

For example, most of the office plants at One Energy’s headquarters are potted in plastic containers produced by one of our customers (part of their manufacturing facility shown in today’s Wind View). That means the fabrication of our flowerpots has been powered in part thanks to on-site, behind-the-meter wind turbines – and the clean energy they produce! 🌱

August 10, 2021 – “Power Hour,” Benzinga

One Energy CEO, Jereme Kent, was a guest on Benzinga’s “Power Hour” daily live stream. During Jereme’s segment, he discusses what decarbonization for industrial manufacturers looks like, raising capital, and the change that’s needed within the utilities sector.