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February 09, 2022 – Wind Views | Let It Snow!

As an industrial power company, One Energy is dedicated to serving its customers during the rain, shine, or snow. That’s why we have a fleet of service trucks and qualified technicians outfitted with the warmest personal protective equipment (PPE) – so they can comfortably (and safely) operate year-round.

Reporter Tom Henry from The Blade out of Toledo, Ohio revisited One Energy’s headquarters to do a follow-up interview with CEO Jereme Kent on what it means for the company to be named a Top Workplace. Read the follow-up piece here and learn more about the unique ways the company is going above and beyond to attract the best talent and remain a place where people want to work.

February 04, 2022 – “Top Workplaces 2022”, The Blade

We’re proud to be one of the Toledo Blade’s Top Workplaces in Northwest Ohio for 2022!

A big congratulations to the entire One Energy team!

February 04, 2022 – Wind Study | Answer 2

🙋 Let’s jump into some answers to this week’s Wind Study!

On Monday, we asked you to use the concepts of Hooke’s Law and simple harmonic motion to solve two questions. Today, we’re sharing the answers on our feed.

Download this week’s Wind Study answers here, and be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

Each year, One Energy welcomes interns to our headquarters at the North Findlay Wind Campus.

While on staff, interns rotate through the company’s various departments and specialties – including project planning and development, engineering, construction, regulatory, R&D, storytelling, internal #operations, and yes, even a stint with One Energy’s Executive Chef.

It’s our goal for interns to not only work on projects that matter but to gain a full understanding of One Energy as a company – a tall order for a vertically integrated enterprise like OE!

Check out One Energy’s Careers page to learn more.


January 31, 2022 – Wind Study | Question 2

Spring into this week’s Wind Study, which explains Hooke’s Law, simple harmonic motion, and yes, what springs have to do with constructing wind turbines.

See if you’ve got what it takes to solve this week’s problems, and come back Friday, when we’ll post the answers (and how we solved for them)!

The answers will be posted this Friday. In the meantime, be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

Calling all Ohio high school seniors! 📣 Applications are now open for this year’s Megawatt Scholarships!

Interested in having your name permanently affixed to the tower of a wind turbine (plus $5,000 towards your 2 or 4-year degree)?

Visit www.megawattscholarships.org to see if your community is eligible.

I think we can all agree that the job market is wild right now. With employees quitting their jobs month after month in record numbers, there has been no shortage of headlines calling 2021 (and now 2022) the year of the “Great Resignation.” Very few companies, if any, have been spared by this large-scale job shuffle. When I log onto LinkedIn, it seems that everyone is posting job openings, in hopes of finding that extremely qualified candidate to fill a recent void. In speaking with many individuals who have recently left their jobs, personal and professional growth seems to be at the forefront of people’s minds, playing a large part in their desire to seek other opportunities. If businesses hope to retain employees, they must put growing their employees – and making sure those employees see that growth – at the top of their list.

Working at an entrepreneurial company seems like the perfect place to grow as an employee. Job roles and titles are flexible, and they often change quickly. As the company grows and adapts, its employees must grow and adapt as well. Unlike corporate America, where promotions and raises are closely linked to years of experience, entrepreneurial companies have less red tape and are able to focus on talent, rather than corporate politics. While this might seem like a wonderful environment for an employee to grow in and flourish, I have recently realized that for many employees, this type of growth can be difficult to quantify. While it is easy for me to recognize all the opportunity that comes with working at a company like One Energy (more on this later), I have noticed it is not always easy for others to appreciate their growth if they are not climbing a structured corporate ladder. Unstructured growth, the kind without predetermined milestones, sometimes does not feel like growth at all – at least not to an employee without a tangible frame of reference.

When I started at One Energy 10 years ago, I was one of a handful of employees. My original job title, “Staff Engineer,” was the first of its kind for the company. Every job title I have had since then has been the first of its kind for the company. My role grew as the company grew. My job evolved as we hired more employees, took on more projects, and pursued new business lines – all of which I had the opportunity to play a large part in. This is the experience that many of our employees have working at One Energy. They are hired on for a specific role, but then that role adapts as they (and we) identify new needs for the company. They build the ladder they end up climbing, and our employees end up growing exponentially faster than most of their peers as a result. I have realized, however, that it is much harder to see your growth when you are the one creating it. It was not until I started taking an active role in the industry that I truly understood how far I had come professionally in a short amount of time.

So, what’s a manager (at an entrepreneurial company) to do?

If your company has unstructured growth plans, it’s time to get creative in order to ensure your employees recognize their own professional growth. Provide them with opportunities to talk (and brag) about themselves – this will give them reference points that highlight how far they’ve come. Send them to conferences or industry meetings, where they can visualize their growth through interactions with their peers. Encourage them to pursue professional development opportunities, especially those that are outside of your company. Getting an external frame of reference for employees is important for helping them understand how far they have come personally and the amount of untapped professional opportunity that remains for them.  

It is hard to lay out a formal plan for growth when your employees are solving problems that have never been solved. Depending on their solution(s), their career could take many different paths. But making sure that your employees know they are growing, (and how they are growing!) is vital to retaining them in this, and any, job market.

Jessica Grosso is the Head of Project Planning and Technology at One Energy.

Learn more about Jessica and the One Energy team.

January 19, 2022 – Wind Views | Class is in Session!

At One Energy, safety isn’t just a top priority – it’s at the heart of how we operate.

One of the many ways One Energy prioritizes safety is by being a state-licensed training facility for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMTs). One Energy holds classes a few times a year, and we’ve trained most of our field staff and a large portion of our office staff to be EMTs and AEMTs.

Pictured below are one of our EMS instructors and a group of employees who have recently completed the on-site practical examination portion of EMT licensing. By being trained, licensed, and equipped at these levels, One Energy can provide the best care that is legally permitted.

January 14, 2022 – Wind Study | Answer 1

Let’s power up, with this week’s Wind Study answers! ⚡️

On Monday, we asked you to use the concepts of real, reactive, and apparent power to solve two questions. Today, we’re sharing the answers on our feed.

Download this week’s Wind Study answers here, and be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!