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December 21, 2022 – Wind Views | What a Site

Did you think we’re talking about the wind turbines? We like those too, but we’re a little biased. No, we’re actually talking about the large industrial facility producing its power through on-site, distributed energy.

One Energy’s project sites are designed to meet the customer’s specific energy needs. We always have and always will put the customer first.

December 16, 2022 – Safety Minute | Pulley Safety

In this Safety Minute, tune in to hear Field Engineer, Eathan Baumgartner, as he goes over some potential issues of putting electrical cable through conduit and shows how pulleys can be used to mitigate those identified risks.

Watch the video below, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss a minute.

December 16, 2022 – Wind Study | Answer 12

What a journey! In this #Wind Study, we learned about distance and displacement, and what this has to do with the alternative routes that our trailers make as they deliver our turbine parts to the project site. See if you were able to calculate the trailer’s location by checking your answers here.

Be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

December 14, 2022 – Wind Views | Well Composed

As wind turbine blades move through the air, they are exposed to various kinds of weather elements. In order for them to maintain their physical condition, they have to be made extremely efficient and durable. Thanks to a certain composite material, they can be!

The internal structure of the turbine blades in One Energy’s laydown yard are made of balsa wood while the shell consists of the composite material… fiberglass! Fiberglass has a reinforcement material: glass fiber, and a matrix material: plastic. When these two materials come together to become a composite material, they create the strength and flexibility that the blades require to endure any weather conditions they may face.

December 12, 2022 – Wind Study | Question 12

Have you ever seen a wind turbine blade on the back of a trailer cruising down the highway? With their length and unique shape, transporting these blades can be a difficult task. In this #WindStudy, we’re looking at the logistics behind the turbine parts and the route changes that are made to allow for secure and swift delivery.

In the meantime, be sure to share this educational series on Facebook and Twitter!

When pouring concrete, you may know how difficult the task can be when weather conditions such as heat, rain, or freezing snow get in the way. At One Energy, we use concrete pads to create a level and sturdy surface for our transformers, switchgear, junction boxes, manual switches, and more. To support and protect this equipment, it is important to make sure this concrete can maintain its structural integrity.

In this Technician Talk, Brandon Ewing, a Field Design Manager here at One Energy is going to talk about pre-cast concrete pads and how they can help when Mother Nature is not on your side.

Technician Talks can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter feeds– and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more One Energy content!

November 30, 2022 – Wind Views | The Cable Shuffle

To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right! 🎵🎵

One Energy is always innovating! In this week’s Wind View, you can see members of the construction team moving reels of medium voltage cable onto a reel trailer that they designed and built in-house. The trailer is one part of a moving system that helps alleviate some of the strain of laying cable the traditional way.

One Energy is always looking for better ways of executing strenuous tasks. Safety and quality are our top priorities!



One Energy CEO, Jereme Kent, was recently a guest on an episode of the Clean Power Hour podcast hosted by Tim Montague.

In this episode, Jereme and Tim discuss the ins and outs of utility-scale, behind-the-meter wind, the concepts of power purchase agreements (PPAs) vs. virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), and the accelerating transition industrial facilities are making to clean energy.

Watch the full episode below:

You can also check out Jereme’s full interview on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.

November 23, 2022 – Wind Views | Who’s Next?

Calling all high school seniors pursuing a STEM degree!

We are happy to announce the 2023 Megawatt Scholarship season is underway. Apply for a $5k scholarship ­– and get your name on a wind turbine.

Visit megawattscholarships.org to check eligibility requirements, look up your county, and download an application. And when you see wind turbines, think scholarships!



Last month, Alejandro Alba from NowThis, visited One Energy’s North Findlay Wind Campus to learn more about wind energy. During Alejandro’s visit, he climbed a wind turbine, interviewed One Energy CEO Jereme Kent, and determined if wind energy can help save the planet.

Watch the full episode below: