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This aerial shot of a wind turbine during construction highlights the grated decks One Energy uses in our turbine towers.

These One Energy employees are standing on the deck of the first tower section, called the “base.” All four tower sections are topped with one of these decks. Unlike other wind turbines with solid, diamond-plated decks, One Energy’s open-grated design allows for better airflow, lighting, and communication while climbing. The decks assist in the construction of the wind turbine, as workers wait to stack each tower section, like in the photo below! (They also act as nice resting spots for technicians as they climb the ladder to the top of the turbine.)

Learn more about One Energy’s patented hanging deck design on our Patents and Trademarks page

Can’t get enough? Our Head of Construction Chelsea shares more about our patented deck design during our Virtual Tour – deck commentary starts at 18:57.