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 Let’s talk about blades! (Wind turbine blades, that is.)

Last week, One Energy partnered with Ohio Energy Project (link) for a virtual field trip (link) of the North Findlay Wind Campus. (More on that below!) During the event, we received a question from Emma, an energy-curious student in Ohio. We’re excited to use this week’s edition of Wind Views to address Emma’s question: “how much does a blade weigh?” Here’s the answer:

The blades used in our 1.5 MW wind turbines weigh more than 18,000 pounds each – that’s more than the weight of four average cars combined!

In this week’s Wind Views, you can see turbine blades being transported at One Energy’s component yard, located in Findlay, Ohio.


About the Virtual Field Trip:

One Energy was honored to host Ohio Energy Project for a virtual field trip – reporting live from the North Findlay Wind Campus.

Tour guide Erica, an engineer at One Energy, led participants through an educational tour of the One Energy office, turbine component yard, and inside a wind turbine itself! Viewers learned about the wind energy industry, discovered careers in wind, and had their questions answered – in real time – from a wind energy expert!

If you missed the live stream of our virtual field trip, a recording is available here.

Thanks to the teachers, students, classrooms, and all who participated and made the field trip such an engaging event! Thanks also to Ohio Energy Project and the team who helped make this digital visit as exciting as the real thing.