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If you follow One Energy, you’re probably aware that we’re on-site wind energy experts. Wind for Industry is One Energy’s flagship energy solution – it’s what got us in the industrial power business to begin with!

What you may not know of is another energy service we offer: ManagedHV (pictured in today’s Wind View!)

ManagedHV is One Energy’s high-voltage-as-a-service solution. ⚡ We offer this service because most high-voltage distribution backbones in existing industrial facilities (the kind of facilities our customers operate) were built 40 years ago or longer, and are ripe for a major update.

Our solution provides a state-of-the-art plant high-voltage distribution system that enables our customers to efficiently move power, monitor usage, and protect facilities from grid issues. The service also provides an expandable and adaptable platform, enabling customers to add more distributed energy resources (DERs) when desired – including (but not limited to) wind turbines!

Learn more about ManagedHV here.