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When planning a Wind for Industry project, One Energy needs to know what the wind is like at the location where the potential project will be installed. To find this out, we conduct what’s called a wind resource assessment using data from a wind instrument, such as an anemometer (like the ones covered in this Science Shorts video posted earlier this month).

Using that wind data along with the manufacturer’s power curve, we’re able to calculate energy production at any given wind speed. We explained power curves in an earlier Wind Study (Q5 of 2021).

The problems? 1.) manufacturer-provided power curves use different increments than actual wind speeds, and 2.) anemometers are not as tall as wind turbines.

To solve these problems, we need your help rounding and sorting wind speeds into what we call “bins” (0.5 m/s increments) so the power curve from the manufacturer can be applied.

Then, we need you to adjust the wind data to represent wind speed at the height of a wind turbine’s “hub” (the top of the tower, where all the blades attach), instead of the anemometer’s height.

🔗 Download the homework questions here.

Check your work on Friday; we’ll post the answers then!

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