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Ready to learn more about Wind for Industry ?

Touring one of our projects or having one of our experts present to your class, community group, or event is a great way to understand what this is all about.

Wind for Industry Tours

Our tours provide an up-close view of our turbines, and are the single best way to understand what Wind for Industry (and One Energy) are all about.

Whether touring the North Findlay Wind Campus and One Energy’s headquarters, or visiting a project in your community, there’s nothing quite like a One Energy tour.

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Presentations and Speakers

We tailor our presentations for each audience and make sure everyone leaves with more knowledge than they showed up with (including us!).

From pre-K to college to retirement, we’ve hosted audiences of varying interests and all levels of expertise, with topics including (but not limited to) wind energy basics, how we build turbines, our business model, and wind energy engineering.

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Book a Tour or Presentation

While our resources are limited, we do everything we can to accommodate requests, prioritizing schools and groups from the communities where we operate.

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