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A hands-on field trip can be one of the most memorable learning experiences a student can have. This is why One Energy loves hosting student tours of our wind campus – here they can touch the turbine blades in our yard, step inside the base of a wind turbine to see how it operates, and quiz wind energy experts with all their brilliant questions.

Last Friday, a group of education students from the University of Findlay toured One Energy’s North Findlay Wind Campus to learn about our Wind for Industry projects and the future of wind energy. We’re honored so many local schools choose us as one of their field trip destinations. Having an authentic experience outside of the classroom is a powerful learning tool!

What’s your favorite field trip that you’ve been on?

Thank you to The Courier for capturing this learning experience! You can see their coverage here:  https://thecourier.com/news/408145/down-on-the-wind-farm/