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Energy managers who work in manufacturing know the difference between active and reactive power is very important.

Active and reactive power determine how utility companies bill large energy consumers, like One Energy’s Wind for Industry customers.

The differences between these two kinds of power may not seem like a big deal, but for factories that use a lot of energy, studying the details that play into electricity use can hugely impact efficiency and the bottom line.

For today’s Wind Energy Facts, we’re bringing you TWO videos to explain these concepts.

In the first video, Head of Construction Chelsea Bumb gives a “100 level” introduction. She’ll explain the equations for how reactive power and real power relate to each other to determine apparent power, and how they all affect something called the power factor.

Stay tuned to watch Chelsea conceptualize these equations with a real-life example.

Wind Energy Facts | Active vs. Reactive Power: 100 Level

But in our opinion, the best example is wind energy! In our second, more engineering-based video, learn how these types of power can impact conversations One Energy has with companies considering Wind for Industry to directly power their manufacturing facilities.

This “200 Level” video is more complex, with a focus on the relevant graphs and equations to understand active and reactive power. This video should be viewed as a follow-up to the 100 Level introduction video.

Wind Energy Facts | Active vs. Reactive Power: 200 Level

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