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Back strains are an injury seen throughout the wind industry. These injuries are typically caused by activities related to offloading wind turbine tower sections from the trucks used to transport them.

A common industry practice is to use cribbing to support wind turbine tower sections while they rest on the ground. Often, this cribbing is made up of wooden railroad ties – heavy items that are moved manually by construction employees. It’s easy to understand how lugging 50 – 200 pounds of railroad ties could lead to injury.

At One Energy, we do things differently. Rather than hauling heavy railroad ties, we use “dunnage” that we make in-house out of easy-to-source materials. This dunnage is a simple solution that is also easy to transport, lift, and place beneath tower sections – eliminating the risk of back strains related to this wind energy construction activity.

Watch the video below to learn more about cribbing, dunnage, and how One Energy’s method prevents back strains!

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