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In today’s Wind Energy Fact, find out how many bolts it takes to build a 1.5 MW utility-scale wind turbine!


At One Energy, we connect the base section of the tower to the foundation using 120 anchor bolts.

The next three tower sections (lower mid, upper mid, and top) are stacked on top of the base, connected by 358 bolts in total.

After the tower is completely constructed, we install the nacelle using 76 more bolts.

The generator then requires 48 bolts to connect to the nacelle.

Before flying the rotor, we build it on the ground using 54 bolts on each of the three blades, connecting them to the hub – a total of 162 bolts.

Finally, when the rotor is flown, the entire assembly is attached to the generator using 48 bolts.

Altogether, it takes a total of 812 bolts to build a 1.5 MW wind turbine!

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