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Check out our meteorological bells and whistles! Or should we say cups and sensors? Today’s edition of Wind Views shows off our various wind instrumentation!

On last week’s episode of Science Shorts (watch the video here!), you learned about the different ways One Energy collects weather and climate data. One structure Ben explained was our meteorological tower (or MET Pole), and the various instrumentation it contains.

These photos show different perspectives of the MET Pole located at the North Findlay Wind Campus: in construction, completed, and close-up.

In the first photo, zoom in to see a technician installing the instrumentation at the top of the MET Pole, which is 30 meters high. The second photo shows what the completed pole looks like when viewed from the ground. The final close-up view was taken using a drone, to highlight the cup and sonic anemometers, which collect wind speed and direction data.

Stay tuned for upcoming Science Shorts, where we’ll be taking a deep dive into this instrumentation and more! (To make sure you don’t miss this upcoming feature, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!)